Close to three hundred donors and guests attended Sonoma Valley Fund’s ninth annual Star Volunteer Awards at Cornerstone. Awards were presented to 22 volunteers who exemplify dedication to our nonprofit partner organizations. Many thanks to Ramekins for their refreshments and to Darius and Sarah Anderson for their hospitality at Cornerstone.
Since the Fund’s inception, Community Foundation Sonoma County and the Sonoma Valley Fund have awarded almost $4.8 million in grants and scholarships in Sonoma Valley. The adjacent line chart illustrates a dramatic grant increase in the last 10-year period – a track record that makes us very proud. Grants reported in our line chart include those from donor advised, designated, discretionary and scholarship funds.
In 2016, the Foundation and Sonoma Valley Fund awarded over $700,000 in grants and scholarships to Sonoma Valley recipients, over three times more than during the first five years of the Fund.