The Sonoma Valley Fund is the bridge between Sonoma Valley nonprofits and the donors who support them. The expertise of Community Foundation Sonoma County, the parent of the Sonoma Valley Fund, ensures that donors’ charitable wishes will be fulfilled in the most beneficial way at the end of their lifetimes and that their funds will be wisely invested. Three of our eight Nonprofit Partners offer illustrations of the kinds of bridges the Sonoma Valley Fund provides.
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art – The Sonoma Valley Fund and its parent, Community Foundation Sonoma County, invests the funds raised by the museum and supports the marketing of their Legacy Circle program. Simon Blattner, Museum President, said the choice of the Sonoma Valley Fund provided, “Three important benefits – the prudent investment of funds, planned giving expertise to help individual donors select the best ways to make their legacy gift and the marketing experience that could guide our Legacy Circle program.”

Vintage House – Vintage House joined the seven other Nonprofit Partners of the Sonoma Valley Fund in order to have their endowment prudently managed through Community Foundation Sonoma County and to promote legacy giving. Executive Director Cindy Scarborough said, “I am delighted with our Sonoma Valley Fund partnership and look forward to working with their prestigious Board to further our goal of strengthening our long-term finances through legacy gifts.”

Sonoma Valley Education Foundation – The expertise in planned giving strategies and the marketing experience of its staff and Board were the primary reasons the Sonoma Valley Fund was selected. Kevin Jaggie, Board President, said, “The long-term viability and financial strength of our organization depends on building our endowment, thus providing a reliable source of funds. Partnering with the Sonoma Valley Fund will greatly enhance our success in building our endowment.”